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3 Things Agents Should Always Have at Their Ready

3 Things Agents Should Always Have at Their Ready

Real estate is an uncertain field. It is a smart idea to always be prepared.

agentHaving the career as a real estate agent is sometimes unpredictable. Actually, to rephrase that, having the career as a real estate agent is usually unpredictable. You never know when you’ll get a call from a prospective client to see a home, or when a new house in your area of interest will go on the market. Because of this uncertainty, there are a few things that every agent should always keep with them:

1. Directional signs.

Perhaps a seller will decide at last minute, “You know what? Today would be a good day for an open house.” You’re out-and-about when you get this message – but it’s okay! Because your directional signs are already with you. It is a smart idea to keep these in your car for surprise cases when you might need them.

2. Notepad/phone.

For obvious reasons, it is always a good idea to keep your phone on you, so your clients can always be in contact with you and vice versa. But it is also a good idea to keep your phone (or a notepad) on you so you can take notes when needed. You have a client that wants to schedule a meeting this week? Easily set a reminder or write it down. You have someone interested in seeing a house on the market? Easily jot down the address. You have a client that is expressing a strong interest in a house? Easily remember their names. Keeping a notepad (either physical or on your phone) can help save a lot of time!

3. Pens that WORK!

This may sound odd, but you can never keep enough pens on your person – and it is important to make sure that they are full of ink! I’m sure every agent at some point has had the experience at an open house where they have the sign-in sheet ready, prepared with pens, but… they’re out of ink. How can you keep track of the prospective clients if this happens? You can’t – unless you have backup pens! Keeping an extra set (preferably brand new) is always a smart idea as a real estate agent.