Category: Agents

1 2 3 6 10 / 57 POSTS
A Seller Checklist for Every Agent

A Seller Checklist for Every Agent

Having a checklist will keep both you and the seller on the same page. ...
How to Build Agent/Client Relationships

How to Build Agent/Client Relationships

It is important for agents to maintain strong relationships with their clients, both before and after closing a deal. ...
Health Insurance: Is It Getting Better for Agents?

Health Insurance: Is It Getting Better for Agents?

The price of health insurance is becoming more reasonable for agents. ...
Things You Can Count On In Your Professional Life

Things You Can Count On In Your Professional Life

In the volatile world of real estate, there are a few things you can count on. ...
Keeping it Light: Where Does Humor Fall in Real Estate?

Keeping it Light: Where Does Humor Fall in Real Estate?

Is there a line between humor and professionalism in real estate? According to Ellis Young, the answer is no. ...
Housing Market Predictivity vs. Reactivity: Anticipating 2021

Housing Market Predictivity vs. Reactivity: Anticipating 2021

Does the housing market predict or react to the economy as a whole? The short answer is, both. ...
Put Your 2021 Goals In Perspective

Put Your 2021 Goals In Perspective

You don’t have to be the best at predicting the future; you only have to be the best at responding to the present. ...
1 2 3 6 10 / 57 POSTS