Your local role may be bigger than you think.
It is not enough to be a good agent if you do not have a platform of clientele and local background on which to build your business. Educating yourself on the local real estate climate and demographic trends is a good start, but these efforts represent a more passive approach than you could be taking.
For a more active approach, consider how you might actually involve yourself in your community. The ways in which you accomplish this may not be directly related to real estate, but they will directly impact your current and potential clients.
The most rewarding part about community involvement is that it is an ongoing process. The more you get involved in your local culture, the more you get to know it, and the more opportunities for involvement you find.
Not only can you keep abreast of changes in your local community, you can actually play a part in those changes. Though they may seem small, each one can translate to a closed deal, an intrigued buyer, a better reputation, or a more well-rounded professional life.
The following are a few ways that you can take up some real estate (no pun intended) in your local atmosphere, but the more creative and proactive you are on your own, the better your results will be.
Share local activities
These activities can be real-estate-related or otherwise, and sharing them serves the dual purpose of sprucing up your social media profile and adding content that potential clients are more likely to engage with.
Subscribe to a few local newsletters, or make it a point to pick them up where they are available. Highlight events for different demographics on your social media pages, and make it a point to attend certain functions when appropriate.

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Not only will this be a good chance to network with potential clients, but it will also establish you as a reliable figure in the community. You can highlight activities for children so that parents see you as family-oriented. You can highlight education-based events to emphasize the importance of transparency and information in the real estate business and in life, and especially in the ways that you interface with clients.
Do demographic research
Is there a high population of retirees in your area? Of millennials? Nine out of ten millennials use the internet to educate themselves before buying a home, so capitalize on this when you consider the content you share.
You can also use the internet to make inroads into real-life relationships with millennial clients. Advertise events that they would be interested in. Give them the chance to meet you in person after garnering their interest on their preferred platform.
There is no better way to establish your presence in your community than to volunteer. Doing so takes you out of your professional zone, but not out of your sphere of influence. There are many volunteer opportunities that are tangentially related to real estate, such as Habitat for Humanity.
Take whatever opportunities you can to physically get out into your community and make connections with people and their values. Show that the reason you work as an agent is because it is your way of contributing to what you hope will continue to be a vibrant community. Make yourself a valuable part of that community, both as a professional and as a person.