Real Estate Blog Topics: Holiday Edition

Real Estate Blog Topics: Holiday Edition

We're giving you something to blog about this holiday season!

As the holiday season approaches us, it is no doubt that people are beginning to get into the festive spirit. This is a great opportunity to post holiday ideas to your personal or brokerage’s real estate blog – everything from home-themed decorations to local events will have your clients feeling merry and bright:


1. Local holiday concerts or performances.

A lot of holiday events happen during this time of the year, and there may even be some that you can find right in your backyard. This is a great idea to post on your blog because it promotes local events and lets your clients know that you are knowledgeable of your area’s culture. It also may attract potential new clients to the area, if they see that there are a lot of activities to attend within your specific range of interest.

2. Light shows.

This is another idea that promotes local events and gets clients into the holiday spirit. If you know of any homes that put up extravagant light displays (especially if it is a past client!) it is a good idea to showcase them on your blog. If possible, you may even think about setting up your own display at an open house – that’ll attract new clients for sure!

3. Holiday party ideas.

Take some tips from your company’s holiday party handbook and give your clients some inspiration for holiday parties during the festive season. Include anything from holiday party games to winter dishes that’ll be sure to spark some interest. This demonstrates hospitality and overall care for your clients, since it shows that you are interested in how they are spending their holidays. You can even open up a discussion thread so clients can comment on your post and have a conversation about their holiday plans, ideas, and traditions. Either way, it’ll give your clients something to talk about!