Holiday Marketing and Slogans

Holiday Marketing and Slogans

The holidays are a perfect time to market your brand and use festive slogans to attract customers.

The holidays are a great time to market your real estate brand. During the holiday season, everyone is in the festive spirit. Seeing a joyful email from their friendly brokerage will certainly warm the hearts of clients – and may even persuade them to partake in more business this holiday season.


Catchy Slogans

Slogans are a wonderful way to catch the eye of clients – whether through an email or newsletter heading, using something memorable and festive will hook your readers.


• There’s no place like (a new) home for the holidays.
• It’s the season of giving – and we’re giving back.
• No humbugs allowed at (name of brokerage).
• Cheers to a new (name of brokerage) year.
• From our family to yours – (name of brokerage) wishes you a happy holiday.

Small slogans like this will spice up any email or newsletter and will entice your clients to read more.

Helpful Holiday Marketing

While slogans are a type of marketing, they only work as far as catching a client’s eye. After that happens, what do you do? Adding festive images, graphics, or even gifs to your emails and newsletters will also add to the festive marketing. It would also be a great time to market any seasonal “one time only” deals that clients won’t be able to refuse. During the holiday season, people are looking to save as much as they can – and if they see that you can do that for them, they will undoubtedly be interested at the very least.

Start off with a strong slogan, add some stellar graphics, and then bring it home with any deals that clients can be expecting this holiday season. This is the time of year where it is okay to have flashy advertisements and emails – in fact, it is what your clients will most likely be expecting.


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