Breaking News: How to Succeed in Texting

Breaking News: How to Succeed in Texting

The way you word a text message may affect the response you receive from it.

textingTexting has become a frequent way of communication, especially within the field of real estate. Many brokers, team leaders, and agents will text their clients to confirm appointments, follow up on listings, or gain leads. However, sometimes texts are received more positively than others – text messages are very easy to ignore, and they do not always garner a response from the recipient. Why is this? Based on over one million text messages analyzed by real estate marketing platform Great Agent, it has been found that the way in which text messages are worded could quadruple your closing rate.

For many people, wording is everything. If something does not immediately make sense to them, it is not worth their time to try and figure out. Similarly, if something seems too verbose, or if something isn’t grammatically or structurally correct, a lot of people won’t even take a second look at it. In order to be successful in generating a prompt response via text, the message must be concise, intuitive, and welcoming.

For example, the two drafts below are both text message templates that are sent out for listing inquiries. Which of the two drafts do you think would be more likely in gaining a response from a client?

1. Hi {client name}, this is {your name} from {brokerage name}. I just received your inquiry from {listing platform} regarding {home number/street}. It would be my pleasure to show it to you. When would you be interested in viewing it?

2. Hi {client name}, I just received your inquiry from {listing platform} about your interest in {home number/street} and I would be willing to show it to you when you are available. I can send you my hours if you are still interested. Let me know when you would like to view this home. – {your name}, {brokerage name}

The correct answer is the first draft. At a glance, these two drafts both seem alright on the surface. However, if you look closely, the first one is much more cohesive, sensible, and warm. The second one is too wordy for a text message, and comes across as a bit aggressive, which may turn clients away. In addition, it has also been found that placing your name within the text message, as opposed to signing it at the end, receives better responses than the latter since it seems more casual. When composing a text, always try to aim for one similar to the first draft – short, sweet, and to the point. We have found that these types of text messages are the most successful in generating positive responses.