From Sole Ownership to Building a Cutting-Edge Real Estate Team

From Sole Ownership to Building a Cutting-Edge Real Estate Team

How Diego Guillen is Redefining Real Estate in Miami.

In the heart of Miami’s bustling real estate market, Diego Guillen is making waves. With a career that spans over a decade and a keen focus on new developments, Guillen has established himself as a leading force in the industry. His journey from a young entrepreneur to the sole owner of DGS Real Estate is a testament to his determination, strategic vision, and unparalleled drive. This article delves into the journey of Diego Guillen, his approach to building a successful real estate team, and his insights into the ever-evolving Miami real estate market.

The Early Days: Humble Beginnings in Miami

Diego Guillen’s story begins like many others in the real estate industry – with a vision and a relentless drive to succeed. Born and raised in Colombia, Guillen was exposed to the vibrant and dynamic real estate market from a young age. However, it wasn’t until he partnered with a group of capital investors that his journey truly began.

In the early days, Guillen was a co-owner of a real estate brokerage, sharing the ownership with his business partners who were not licensed real estate professionals but served as capital partners. For the first five years, this partnership provided the financial backbone necessary to grow the business. However, in January of this year, Guillen made a decisive move – he bought out his partners and became the sole owner of DGS Real Estate.

A New Beginning: The Birth of DGS Real Estate

With full control over his company, Guillen set his sights on a new horizon – creating a real estate team that would specialize in new developments across the country. This focus on new developments is not just a business strategy but a passion for Guillen. He believes that new developments offer a unique opportunity in the market because they represent a clean slate, an untapped potential that can be shaped and molded by those who know how to market them effectively.

New developments are listings that no one else has, and it’s really a matter of who does the better advertising, who gets the leads quicker, and converts them faster,” says Guillen. This perspective highlights his belief in the importance of being at the forefront of marketing and advertising in the digital age.

The Digital Revolution: Marketing in the Modern Age

Guillen is acutely aware that the old ways of marketing, such as television and print ads, are becoming obsolete. In today’s fast-paced world, where everything is accessible at the touch of a button, mastering digital marketing is crucial. Guillen’s approach to marketing is laser-focused on the digital landscape.

Everybody uses their mobile phones for everything. This is how you read the news, check your bank accounts, communicate with friends, and more. The key is to be the best in the digital world,” he explains.

By leveraging social media, targeted online ads, and other digital tools, Guillen is positioning DGS Real Estate at the cutting edge of the industry. His strategy involves not just reaching potential clients but engaging with them in a meaningful way, ensuring that his brand is always top of mind.

Building a Team: The Search for Talent

One of the most critical aspects of Guillen’s business plan is building a real estate team that can execute his vision. But Guillen is not looking for just anyone to join his team – he’s looking for individuals who are hungry, driven, and willing to go the extra mile.

I think the most important thing is developing a system to test the level of intelligence coupled with the drive that someone has. My success has been due to my hunger and determination, and I need to find that same quality in my team members,” says Guillen.

Guillen is in the process of developing a method to objectively measure this hunger in potential team members. He believes that this drive is what separates the great from the mediocre in the real estate industry, and he is determined to build a team that reflects this belief.

Challenges on the Horizon: Cash Flow Management

No journey is without its challenges, and for Guillen, one of the biggest hurdles has been managing cash flow. Real estate, especially in a market as competitive as Miami, requires a keen understanding of financial management. Guillen has learned this lesson the hard way, but it has also made him more cautious and strategic in his approach.

You have to be a master of cash flow management because you can easily fail if you don’t learn how to manage it properly. It’s the secret to survival in this industry,” he notes.

This focus on cash flow management is not just about keeping the business afloat but also about ensuring that there is always room for growth. Guillen has vowed never to give away a piece of his company again, a lesson he learned from his early days as a co-owner. Instead, he plans to reward his team through generous bonuses and incentives while retaining full ownership of the company.

The Art of Communication: A Key to Success

In the real estate industry, communication is everything. Whether it’s with clients, team members, or business partners, the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively is crucial. Guillen has honed this skill over the years and believes it is one of the key factors that will set his team apart from the competition.

If you have the right communication skills, if you’re the best communicator, you’re going to be the best,” he asserts.

For Guillen, communication is not just about selling a product; it’s about building relationships and trust. In an industry where reputation is everything, being a great communicator can make all the difference.

The Importance of Vision: Guiding the Ship

As the sole owner of DGS Real Estate, Guillen has the freedom to pursue his vision without any external constraints. This autonomy is something he values greatly, as it allows him to steer the company in the direction he believes is best.

When you’re the captain, you can control the stewardship and put into practice whatever your intuition guides you to do. Intuition is of the utmost importance, and when you’re not the owner, you’re subject to limitations that can be very complicated,” he explains.

This freedom has allowed Guillen to make bold decisions, such as focusing exclusively on new developments and investing heavily in digital marketing. It’s a strategy that has paid off so far, and he’s confident that it will continue to do so as his team grows.

The Road Ahead: Organic Growth and Strategic Expansion

Looking ahead, Guillen is focused on growing his team, but he’s determined to do so at a measured pace. For him, growth should be organic and aligned with the company’s overall goals.

I think growth should be organic. You should not grow too much too fast because that’s not healthy. The team should grow at the appropriate pace, depending on the demand for what you’re selling,” he advises.

This cautious approach ensures that the team grows in a sustainable way, without overextending the company’s resources. It also allows Guillen to be selective in his hiring, ensuring that he brings on only the most driven and capable individuals.

A Strategic Focus on Select Products

Another critical element of Guillen’s business plan is his focus on select products. Rather than trying to sell everything, Guillen has chosen to specialize in a few key developments that he knows inside and out. This specialization allows him to dominate the market in those areas, offering clients unmatched expertise and service.

You have to select the product, know it by memory, love it, be convinced of it, and be capable of answering every single question about it,” says Guillen.

This razor-sharp focus not only makes Guillen a formidable competitor but also ensures that his clients receive the highest level of service possible. It’s a strategy that has earned him a loyal client base and a reputation for excellence in the Miami real estate market.

The Role of Technology: Staying Ahead of the Curve

In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just traditional methods. Guillen understands the importance of technology in the real estate industry and has made it a cornerstone of his business strategy. By leveraging the latest tools and platforms, he ensures that DGS Real Estate remains at the cutting edge of the industry.

Technology is not just a tool; it’s a necessity in today’s market. You have to be on top of it to stay relevant,” he emphasizes.

From advanced CRM systems to targeted digital marketing campaigns, Guillen uses technology to streamline operations, improve client communication, and boost sales. This forward-thinking approach is one of the reasons why DGS Real Estate is poised for continued success in the competitive Miami market.

The Legacy of Diego Guillen: Building for the Future

As Diego Guillen looks to the future, his focus is not just on immediate success but on building a legacy. He envisions DGS Real Estate as more than just a brokerage – he sees it as a lasting institution in the Miami real estate market.

I want to build something that lasts, something that will be here long after I’m gone,” he says.

This long-term vision drives Guillen to make decisions that are not just about short-term gains but about creating a sustainable and enduring business. It’s a vision that is sure to guide DGS Real Estate to even greater heights in the years to come.

Final Thoughts: The Future of Real Estate in Miami

Diego Guillen’s journey from a young entrepreneur to the owner of a successful real estate brokerage is a story of determination, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment. His focus on new developments, digital marketing, and building a team of driven individuals has positioned DGS Real Estate as a leader in the Miami market. As he continues to grow his business, Guillen’s emphasis on communication, technology, and sustainable growth will undoubtedly ensure his continued success.

In a city as dynamic as Miami, the real estate market is always evolving. But with leaders like Diego Guillen at the helm, the future looks brighter than ever. His journey is not just a testament to his own abilities but an inspiration to others in the industry who aspire to achieve similar success.