Freedom Electrical Solutions: A Commitment to Quality and Community

Freedom Electrical Solutions: A Commitment to Quality and Community

When it comes to electrical work in Texas, few names stand out as much as Freedom Electrical Solutions. Founded by Stetson Alexander, this company has become synonymous with high-quality craftsmanship and unmatched customer service. With roots deep in Liberty Hill, Texas, Stetson’s journey from a commercial electrician to the owner of a top-rated residential service company is nothing short of inspiring.

The Journey to Freedom Electrical Solutions

Stetson Alexander’s career began in the world of commercial electrical work, where he contributed to significant projects. However, it wasn’t long before he realized that his passion lay in residential services—a sector where he could truly make a difference in people’s lives.

“I wanted to be well-rounded,” Stetson recalls. “In commercial work, you often lose touch with the nuances of residential needs, and I wanted to bring that balance back.”

Founding of Freedom Electrical Solutions

The decision to start Freedom Electrical Solutions was born out of a desire to treat customers with the respect and care they deserve. Stetson witnessed firsthand how some companies prioritized profits over people, a practice he found unacceptable. His experiences drove him to create a business model that focuses on quality, safety, and customer satisfaction above all else.

“We focus on high-quality craftsmanship and customer service,” Stetson explains. “People don’t call us because we’re the cheapest—they call us because we’re the best.”

Unique Approach to Electrical Services

One of the key differentiators of Freedom Electrical Solutions is their commitment to providing free, accurate on-site estimates. Unlike many competitors, Stetson’s team doesn’t charge customers a dime until the job is complete and the customer is satisfied. This approach not only builds trust but also ensures that every client feels valued and respected.

“We don’t charge anything to come out,” says Stetson. “If it’s not within the customer’s budget, or if they just don’t like me, we leave, and nobody’s out any money.”

Commitment to Quality and Safety

At Freedom Electrical Solutions, safety is paramount. Stetson’s team is meticulous about adhering to codes and using the correct materials for each job. This commitment to safety is rooted in Stetson’s early experiences, where he often had to rectify unsafe practices carried out by other companies.

“I’ve seen too many instances where corners were cut,” he notes. “We take the time to do things right, even if it means using a label maker instead of a Sharpie. The details matter.”

Customer Service Above All

Stetson’s dedication to customer service goes beyond just doing a good job—it’s about going the extra mile. Whether it’s handling emergencies late at night or simply taking the time to listen to a customer’s concerns, Freedom Electrical Solutions is there when you need them most. One memorable story involves an elderly client whose oxygen machine was on a circuit that tripped late at night. Stetson didn’t hesitate to rush over and reset the breaker, ensuring they could sleep safely.

“It’s just about treating people right,” Stetson emphasizes. “These customers become like family to us.”

Freedom Electrical’s Community Recognition

In 2023, Freedom Electrical Solutions was honored with the Best of Liberty Hill award, a testament to their commitment to excellence and community involvement. With over 185 five-star reviews across all platforms, it’s clear that customers appreciate the hard work and dedication that Stetson and his team put into every job.

“We’re very proud of that award,” Stetson shares. “It’s small, but it means a lot to us because it’s voted on by the community.”

Challenges of Running an Electrical Business

Running an electrical business comes with its fair share of challenges, from balancing work and family life to dealing with competition from larger companies. However, Stetson remains committed to maintaining high standards, even as his business grows.

“We don’t schedule as heavy as other companies,” Stetson explains. “It’s important to have the time to provide that extra quality and due diligence.”

The Future of Freedom Electrical Solutions

Looking ahead, Stetson has big plans for Freedom Electrical Solutions. He envisions expanding the company while continuing to prioritize customer service and quality work. Embracing new technologies and methods will be key to staying ahead in the industry.

“We’re always looking to improve,” Stetson says. “Whether it’s through new tools or better techniques, we want to keep providing the best service possible.”

Freedom Electrical Solutions stands as a shining example of what it means to combine quality, integrity, and community spirit in business. Under Stetson Alexander’s leadership, the company has grown into a trusted name, with a reputation for excellence that is well-deserved.