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Real Estate Technology: Tips for Pitching Ideas

Real Estate Technology: Tips for Pitching Ideas

Pitching ideas for new real estate technology can be tough - but we can help.

real estate technologyIf you are in the process of developing new real estate technology, there is no doubt that you will be pitching your ideas to some big companies at some point. It is always exciting when new technology is developed, and each brokerage is eager to see what new ideas innovators are coming up with. This is undoubtedly stressful for the developers, but there are a few tips to keep in mind that may make it a bit easier:

1. Have a design template.

If your technology is still in the works, coming up with a template is a good way to illustrate what you have in mind. Even something as simple of taking screenshots of your work or taking pictures of your progress will create a visual of your ideas and will give your potential clients a better idea of what they would be purchasing.

2. Acknowledge the competition.

While it is important to have confidence, no one should go into a pitching meeting with the attitude that they are the only developers with something to offer. Real estate technology is expanding everywhere, and there are a lot of people working on new updates and ideas for enhancement. It is important to keep the competition in the back of your head, both as a humbling factor and a drive to set yourself apart. What does your pitch have that’s different? What ideas do you have that others do not?

3. Don’t be too pushy for feedback.

Sometimes companies will provide feedback if they don’t decide to take on your ideas, but more often than not they won’t. It isn’t anything personal – pitches are made every day, and some companies simply don’t have time to give personal responses to everyone they have to reject, especially if they are bigger companies. If feedback is offered, great! But if not, it is best to just brush off the rejection and reevaluate how to make your pitch better in the future.