The Entrepreneurial Blueprint: Going from Agent to Broker

The Entrepreneurial Blueprint: Going from Agent to Broker

A promotion from agent to broker may be a bit of a culture shock - it is important to keep these thoughts in mind when taking on your new position.

agent to brokerIn the world of real estate, there are many opportunities to climb the business ladder. You may start out as a new agent, work your way up to being a senior agent, and eventually find yourself wearing the hat of a broker. With motivation and ambition, this is done by many agents who are looking to push themselves to new boundaries. It is fairly simple to gain promotions in real estate as long as you are willing to apply yourself at work. The difference between agents and brokers is great, and you may be in a bit of a culture shock after working your way up the brokerage.

The face of the company:

While agents are in charge of a number of clients that are unique to them, brokers are in charge of all the agents in their brokerage – and, by default, their clients as well. Brokers represent a real estate company and everyone within it. It is a new responsibility that agents must quickly become accustomed to after taking on the role of a broker.

Dealing with disappointments:

All the questions or complaints about the company will be directed at you – something you may not have been used to beforehand. It is important to always keep a calm demeanor and deal with disappointed clients with grace. There will undoubtedly be a few road bumps, especially in the beginning, but the complaints will subside as you become more accustomed to your new role.

Authoritative action:

As someone that moves up the ladder from agent to broker, at first it may be difficult to delegate work among your subordinates. You may very well be directing people who used to be your coworkers and friends, who you are now the boss of – which can take some getting used to. Being able to show authority where it’s due is important when taking on any new job, especially if you’re making a big jump in the line of the company. It is crucial that your employees feel comfortable around you, but also that they take you seriously.