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Happy New Year! – How to Market 2021

Happy New Year! – How to Market 2021

Here's to a great marketing year!

The real estate market has officially entered into 2021 – and we are hoping it’s a good year. With a fresh start, new ideas, and evolving software, 2021 could be a great year for real estate. It is your job to get clients excited for a new year of business, and we have compiled some marketing tips to make sure that happens:


1. Illustrate new deals/opportunities for clients.

Let your clients know from the very beginning what new options they may be able to experience in the new year. Maybe your website is incorporating a 3D listing feature, or maybe your commission has gone down – showcasing this information from the very beginning of the year will intrigue customers and let them know that there are good things to come.

2. Take advantage of new apps/software.

There are a lot of platforms that are designed to help real estate professionals, from website building software to agency apps to lead generators. It may be beneficial to educate yourself and see what is available for the new year – there may even be new deals on them that you hadn’t noticed before.

3. Increase technology.

The start of a new year is the perfect time to upgrade your technological presence. Real estate has been making a stride of technological advances, and incorporating some new technology into your brand may entice more customers. Whether it’s adding a virtual reality feature, adding more artificial intelligence to your website, or updating software tools, clients will take notice of the effort you are making.

No matter what you decide to do, just make sure it is consistent with the brand of your company, and that it is something clients will appreciate. The beginning of each new year is a time for resolutions, both in your personal life and professional life – what will your professional resolution be?