When sales are stagnant, it can be difficult to keep the energy up in a team. Here is a guide to help you motivate your team when the ship hits rough water.
By Olivia Gosselin
Journalist, Realty Leadership.
Contributor, Forbes.
Last updated:
November 14, 2023 7:16 pm

At the forefront of every successful real estate business venture is sales. The more houses an agency has on the market, the better its outlook will be. Yet in today’s uncertain housing market, sales can easily grow stagnant. Motivating your team when sales are low is how real estate firms differentiate themselves from the good become great.
Impact of Low Sales on Your Sales Team
Having a motivated sales team can go a long way in jumpstarting the energy in your real estate firm. When sales are down, the morale of your sales team can be affected. To combat this problem, there are many ways in which you can motivate your team such as creating sales competitions, organizing sales events, or even just broadening the teams skill-sets through seminars and training activities.
Best Motivational Method for Your Team
Sales competitions are perhaps the most successful option in motivating your team when sales are low. Simply put, you want to foster greater communication between the sales team and potential clients. Set goals for your entire team to reach, like a record number of cold calling, to bolster team building and a supportive environment for your team. Or, you can create friendly competition between team members and reward whoever generates the most leads. Ideas for competitions should revolve around who creates the most impressions for the firm. Examples of how employees can do this are through direct email campaigns, cold calling, direct mail postcards, or even through social media (tweets or Instagram posts). By incentivizing production you are creating an electric environment for your otherwise stagnant workforce.
Any successful business venture will tell you that controlling factors in house is critical towards their success. By boosting the morale of your sales team, you can weather any storm of a recessed market and other external factors.