The Journey of John Godbey: From Aspiring Filmmaker to Real Estate Coach and Founder of Blue Lotus Realty

The Journey of John Godbey: From Aspiring Filmmaker to Real Estate Coach and Founder of Blue Lotus Realty

In the bustling world of real estate, success stories are often crafted through perseverance, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to growth. One such story is that of John Godbey, a seasoned real estate coach and the visionary behind Blue Lotus Realty. What began as a pivot from a struggling film career in New York City has evolved into a thriving real estate business that not only closes deals but also mentors agents on their journey to success.

From Film Distribution to Real Estate: The Beginning of a New Chapter

John Godbey’s career path wasn’t always paved with real estate success. Originally from Miami, Florida, John harbored dreams of breaking into the film industry. He relocated to New York City, hoping to carve out a niche in film distribution. However, the reality of surviving in one of the world’s most expensive cities quickly set in. The meager paychecks from film distribution couldn’t sustain the high cost of living, leading John to reconsider his career path.

“I realized I couldn’t make a living in New York on that pay,” John reflects. It was then that he turned his attention to real estate—a field he had always been curious about but hadn’t fully explored. With a nudge from his mother, who would often purchase “zero down, no money down” real estate books, John decided to dive headfirst into the industry.

Navigating the Competitive New York Market

Breaking into New York City’s real estate market is no small feat, especially for someone transitioning from an entirely different industry. John began his journey by acquiring his real estate license and immersing himself in the world of property transactions. He reached out to top team leaders, seeking mentorship and guidance.

One such connection was with Patrick Lilly at CORE, who eventually helped John land a position at Keller Williams. This opportunity became the foundation of John’s real estate career, providing him with the knowledge, skills, and network needed to thrive in the competitive New York market.

The Shift to Team Building: Leveraging for Success

As John’s career progressed, he recognized the importance of leverage in scaling his business. In New York, where lockboxes are not the norm, John found himself personally showing properties to clients, which significantly limited his capacity to take on more deals. To overcome this challenge, he began assembling a team of showing agents who could help manage the workload.

“The biggest challenge in building a team is getting agents to fully commit,” John admits. The flexibility that comes with being an independent contractor often means that agents are hesitant to fully immerse themselves in a team structure. However, John’s persistence and leadership skills allowed him to gradually build a team that shared his vision and dedication.

Overcoming Challenges in Team Management

Building and managing a real estate team is not without its challenges. One of the most common pitfalls is the assumption that once a team is in place, the leader can step back and focus solely on their own deals. John emphasizes that this is a recipe for disaster.

“Your team needs your presence and motivation,” he explains. “If you’re absent, the team will likely fall apart.” John’s hands-on approach to team management has been instrumental in maintaining a cohesive and productive group. He acknowledges that there is always a risk of successful agents leaving to start their own ventures, but he believes that offering partnership opportunities or ownership stakes can help retain top talent.


Organic Growth: The Key to Successful Recruitment

When it comes to recruiting agents for his team, John has always favored an organic approach. Rather than engaging in aggressive recruiting tactics, he has relied on word of mouth and the reputation he has built within the industry.

“We kept it pretty organic,” John says. “Most of our agents came to us through word of mouth or after seeing our content online.” This approach not only attracted agents who were genuinely interested in being part of Blue Lotus Realty but also ensured that those who joined were aligned with the company’s values and culture.

The Power of Internships: A Strategic Advantage

One of the unique strategies John employed in building his team was the use of internships. Operating in a prime location in New York, John was able to attract interns from around the world, eager to gain experience in real estate. These interns played a crucial role in handling administrative tasks and marketing, allowing John and his agents to focus on closing deals and building client relationships.

“Interns can be a great way to handle administrative tasks and marketing,” John advises. “It’s a win-win situation.” The internship program not only provided valuable experience to aspiring real estate professionals but also served as a pipeline for recruiting future agents.

Coaching Philosophy: Building from the Ground Up

In addition to running Blue Lotus Realty, John Godbey has made a name for himself as a real estate coach. His coaching philosophy centers on helping agents build their business from the ground up, regardless of their level of experience. From lead generation and conversion to follow-up and negotiation, John provides comprehensive guidance tailored to the unique needs of each agent.

“One of the most valuable aspects of coaching is seeing what works and what doesn’t across different agents and teams,” John explains. His ability to distill these insights into actionable advice has earned him a reputation as a sought-after mentor in the real estate industry.

Creating Systems for Repeat Business

A key component of John’s coaching approach is the emphasis on creating systems that generate repeat business. He believes that building long-term relationships with clients is essential for sustained success in real estate. By implementing systems for follow-up, client engagement, and referral generation, John helps agents turn one-time clients into lifelong advocates.

“I focus on helping agents create systems to get repeat business,” John notes. “That’s where the real growth happens.” His coaching clients have consistently seen improved performance and increased revenue as a result of these strategies.

The Importance of Adaptability in Real Estate

Throughout his career, John Godbey has demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the real estate industry. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of the New York market, building a successful team, or coaching agents to reach their full potential, John’s adaptability has been a key factor in his success.

“You have to be willing to adapt and evolve,” John advises. “The market is always changing, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.” This mindset has not only allowed John to thrive in his own career but has also enabled him to guide others on their path to success.

Blue Lotus Realty: A Vision for the Future

Today, John Godbey continues to lead Blue Lotus Realty with the same passion and dedication that has defined his career. The company’s focus on organic growth, agent development, and client satisfaction has made it a standout in the competitive real estate landscape.

Looking ahead, John is committed to expanding Blue Lotus Realty’s presence while maintaining the personal touch that has been the hallmark of the company’s success. “We’re always looking for ways to improve and grow,” he says. “But we’ll never lose sight of what got us here—hard work, integrity, and a commitment to our clients.”

Final Thoughts: The Legacy of a Real Estate Leader

John Godbey’s journey from an aspiring filmmaker to a successful real estate coach and founder of Blue Lotus Realty is a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability. His story is one of continuous learning, growth, and a deep commitment to helping others succeed.

As John continues to mentor agents and lead his team, his impact on the real estate industry is undeniable. Through his coaching, leadership, and dedication to his craft, John Godbey is not only building a successful business but also leaving a lasting legacy that will inspire future generations of real estate professionals.

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, John’s story serves as a reminder that success is not just about closing deals—it’s about building relationships, creating opportunities, and making a difference in the lives of others. Blue Lotus Realty is more than just a real estate company; it’s a reflection of John Godbey’s unwavering commitment to excellence, both in business and in life.

Follow John on Instagram or visit his website to learn more.